Labels:electronics | compact disk | circle | data storage device | cd | dvd | blank media OCR: SMALL BLUE PLANET The Real Picture World Atlas MAC/MPC · Version 2.0.3 "IFPI L23 CD7320 R1H 22 Now What Now Software What , Software, San Francisco, 1993-1995 · A Maps That Move Product™ from Now What Software 2303 Sac- ramento . San Francisco . 94115 . 415 885 1689 . Thanks to all who made this possible. Special thanks to National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), United States Geological Survey COMPACT (USGS), Defense Mapping Satellite Program (DMSP), and Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion (NASA) without their good work no human space per spective would be possible. We also thank Dr. Woody Sullivan, University of Washington, Seattle, Dr. Richard Pike, USGS, Ms. Gail Thelin, USGS, Mr. Bob Mark, USGS. Dr John Kinneman, NOAA, Dr. Peter Slose, NOAA, Dr. Davi ...